The Practical Applicability of The Hacker Ideals in The Modern World (2020s)

Hacking, the art of identifying weaknesses in a computer system or network to exploit the security to gain access to personal or business data. Every hacker has their own ideals and motivations why they do the things that they do, whether it be ethically or unethically. Sometimes even the smallest ideals can be the difference between making a hacker a wanted criminal and an ethical penetration tester. In this blog I am going to talk about the common ideals of hackers and their practical applicability in the modern world, meaning the 2020s. So here is a list of the common ideals of hackers:

  • Passion
  • Freedom
  • Work ethic


If you have ever worked on a project that involves coding something then you should know the rewarding feeling of finishing the project. You get to look at your code and see how hours upon hours of work finally all led to something great. This is what passion is all about. That feeling of joy after working on something and in my opinion it is one of the most important aspects of a hacker's mentality and their career. If a hacker is passionate about what they do then they will strive for that rewarding feeling when they finish something. This is still true in modern times as it was back when the first computers were made, since it is a basic human emotion to feel passionate about something and feeling passionate about a topic makes you want to learn more about it. This also leads to the next aspect, which is freedom.


Now not all freedom is good. If we give freedom to criminals and others who do not deserve it then we have misused freedom, but freedom is good when given to the right people, like creative artists and explorers. A true creative person's value only comes out if we give them full freedom to think and explore their work however they want. This is also why Linus Torvalds' Linux is so tremendously successful. Because he views his project as a hobby not a job. He has full freedom over the project and has given others freedom over the subject as well, benefiting from the creative works of other people. In the modern world this is still also very much true, since creative thinking and exploring can best be done when the artist has freedom over their time and work.

Work ethic

A good work ethic is usually what defines success. If you have all the freedom you could ask for, but do not have a work ethic then what is the point? If you really want to become good at something then you definitely have to put in the hours and devote your time to learning that skill. I think that the more freedom a person is given the lazier they get and that can only be avoided by having a good work ethic, which doesn't allow a person to get lazy. In the modern world we can see that billionaires and other rich people always tell aspiring young people to plan out their work and stick to their goals, even if they seem out of reach. This definitely is to build a work ethic suitable for a successful person whether it be for hacking, finance, marketing or any other choice of profession.


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