A Short Review Of "Challenges Of The Global Information Society" By Pekka Himanen

 On the 25th of June 2004 Pekka Himanen released a review of the future society, where he looked at the challenges of a global information society. The review was released on the request of Finland's committee for the Future and was discussed at the international congress of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences IIAS, which took place in Korea in July 2004.

Dr. Pekka Himanen is an internationally renown researcher of the information age and his works have been published in 20 languages. He has been an advisor for several international and national organizations, institutions and governments.

The information society can be defined as a society that is based on interaction. The economy of such a society relies on productivity growth based on innovations. This review is not a futurological study, but describes the areas, where action must be taken to ensure that we respond to the challenges of a future information society successfully.

There are 10 main trends that were already in process when the review was written:

  1. Increasing international tax competition - countries were decreasing taxes to compete for skilled labor
  2. The new global division of labor - routine production has been moved to cheaper countries, like China and India
  3. Population ageing - the average age of the population is increasing, especially in Europe
  4. Increasing pressures on the welfare society - the population ageing problem leads to less taxes and more older people who are depending on the government to aid them financially
  5. The second phase of the information society - the main focus will be on how we operate and the second phase will greatly change that
  6. The rise of cultural industries - more information is digitalized meaning that cultural content is also being connected to information technology and communication technology
  7. The rise of bio-industries - the emergence of more bio-industries will make life easier and longer for the elderly, further increasing the average age of society
  8. Regional concentration - more people are moving the cities and the urbanization rate is already over 50%
  9. A deepening global divide - the gap between the richest and the poorest people globally and nationally is only widening
  10. The spread of a “culture of emergency” - the pace of development is increasing, which creates instability in society together with the widening social gap and volatility of the economy

If we look at development from a geographical perspective we can see that there are 3 main competing areas: United States of America, Europe and Asia. There are right now 3 main models of technology and economy. These are:

  1. The "Silicon Valley model" - the American neo-liberalist model
  2. The "Singapore model" - the Asian state-run model, attracts international companies
  3. The "Finnish model" - the European combination of information society and welfare state

The main global competition models

There are 10 main values of the European "Finnish model" that could serve as a basis for the continued combination of an information society and welfare state:

  1. Caring - principle of equality, fairness or the inclusion of everyone
  2. Confidence - gives safety and allows a fruitful community to prosper
  3. Communality - meaning openness, belongingness, include other people and do things together
  4. Encouragement - an enriching community, where people feel like they could do more than they ever could alone
  5. Freedom - the right to individuality, protection of privacy and tolerance for difference
  6. Creativity - connected to a human's need for self-fulfillment and personal growth
  7. Courage - required to realize the other values
  8. Visionariness - refers to insightfulness, the courage to make this world a better place
  9. Balance - have every value in moderation and equally
  10. Meaningfulness - based on wisdom, goodness and beauty

The Pyramid of values from the psychological perspective

There are 4 key concepts of social development:

  1. A creative economy - developed countries enhance productivity through innovations
  2. A creative welfare society - a fair society provides everyone with equal opportunities in life
  3. Humanly meaningful development - to maintain the welfare society, we have to find new ways to promote a socially, mentally, physically and culturally balanced development
  4. A global culture - we must move towards joint development that is sustainable on a global scale




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